Createscape | Coworking in Austin, TX

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Introducing the Un.Inc Campus for Createscape Members

Createscape has offered a wide range of networking and social events for our community for years but besides the Skill Taco speakers series and the occasional educational event, we haven't yet had a consistent program for creators and founders to learn and grow through a cohort-style curriculum. That's about to change as we're proud to be announcing a new partnership with The Un.Inc to bring our members a personalized new program with tools, resources, and mentor sessions through an online campus and in-person events at the office. It's free for members to participate and all you have to do is get registered and sign up with our access code.

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The online campus is a curated space full of tools and mentors, designed to push, guide and support you as you develop your idea into a business, and eventually a unique lifestyle all your own. Some of you will go on to attend the cohort and launch your businesses, others will already have a business when you find us, or may only stay for a season. There is no one path, and the journey is far from a straight line. The Un.Inc is here for it. The first "Co-Creating Session" is scheduled for April 1, 2020 at the Howdy Room at Createscape, but you can already start seeing resources, lectures, and more from the courses. Currently:

  • Riding the Wave

  • Smarter Learning

  • Building in the Dark

You can also watch the introduction to the Un.Inc campus from Liz and Ben once you get set up. It's designed to be flexible so that you can participate a little, or a lot. We believe this will be an amazing opportunity for you to grow and better yourself in the year ahead.

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Current Createscape members get FREE access to the Un.Inc Campus. Interested in membership with us?

Find more information here or set up a tour.