Reminder: Go Easy on Yourself

Something I’ve been thinking about lately is where we pull our motivation from, especially when there’s been some sort of major disruption in our life. Of course, slumps are normal. Everyone feels unmotivated at times. And it can even be a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you let it. Adopting a positive outlook, or even just improving your outlook, may feel difficult — even unattainable. Taking control of your life, breaking out of a slump, and kickstarting your motivation again may even sound out of reach and impossible, but there are simple daily steps you can take to turn it around. 

If you’re having a hard time getting started again, just know that doing something is better than doing nothing. So here is a starter idea: Stick to just one goal. It may just be that you’re trying to do too much at once. A list of tasks a mile long can actually be discouraging. When you’re feeling down, waking up to more than a few tasks can sap what little energy you do have. The truth is that it’s a common mistake and we all do it. But taking a minute to prioritize what’s important in your life and cut those things that are extraneous will help you focus, which will pay off. 

Choose one goal for now, and focus on it completely. When you check it off, you will feel motivated to keep going with your next goal. 

For more tips and advice to increase your motivation, check out these 16 ways to get motivated when you’re in a slump at Zen Habits.

And, as you know, we’re still in a global pandemic, which carries its own anxiety and stress. So remember to be forgiving to yourself if you’re not as productive as you want to be at this very moment. Small steps, and adopting a positive attitude, can help your mental health in big ways.


Words from Indie Game Developer John Baxa


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