Serving up Community, Pie and Thanks

Bringing people together is what good coworking offices do best. With such diverse communities of professionals in all sorts of fields and industries, Createscape encourages collaborations and meetings between members here whenever we can. Coworking offices are a community, and so much more than just a building with desks and wifi. Which is why Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holiday events each year at the office here.

Last week we had our biggest Thanksgiving feast yet at Createscape, serving lunch to nearly 60 of our members as a thank you for being a part of our community and to just generally celebrate the holiday season. This is our 6th year putting on this Thanksgiving office lunch and it was incredible to see so many awesome folks come together for it in our kitchen. Just like in past years, owner Keller Davis cooked a spread including turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls, green beans, and other sides, desserts, and vegan-friendly options. Shout out to Trader Joe’s and HEB for the pies! Some members also brought potluck dishes like corn to share with the office. In the past, we’ve generally had a small enough crowd from our members where we have been able to gather around a few tables and all eat together. This year we had a line going down the hallway and most members had to spread out between the kitchen, patio seating (it was a beautiful November day in Austin!) or other work spaces and tables. Even with a growing batch of members at our space though, the sense of community has maintained and grown and we are so proud of that fact here.

Friendsgiving at Createscape Coworking


Conversation with Community Manager Brian Mahood


Your Look at Austin's E.A.S.T. 2019 at Tillery