Article Article

It's Almost Time to Engage With the Real World Again

Members have been sharing with us their joy after receiving their first jab. That means within the next month or so, more and more of us will start fully re-engaging with the world again. It means going to restaurants and coffee shops, seeing movies in theaters and watching music in 100-degree heat surrounded by thousands of other music lovers.
We asked members what their post-vax plans are and here are some of those responses.

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Update Update

Party on the Patio

For this year's "Austin Coworking Day" (September 27) celebration, we had drinks, barbecue, live music, games, and great conversation with members and guests from the community. It was also a chance for us to celebrate 5 years, and it was a lot of fun, and we really appreciate everyone joining us for the festivities at Createscape and supporting local coworking. Special thank you to musicians Nevada Newman and Jimmy Lohman, TawaTies, David Lackey, and GT's Living Foods.

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